

Ivan Chernenko

Area Director


Why FCA Wrestling?

“As a coach, I want athletes to learn to fully trust God and be steadfast in their Christian beliefs, no matter the circumstances. I want them to learn to be faithful in relationships, accept others and take care of them. Our athletes have started to understand that a gold medal is not the top of their dreams, but that you can become a true winner only by having a personal relationship with God. I want to make true followers of Christ who will love God, sports, and people. I want them to go to coaches and athletes who do not know Christ, serve them, and—when asked why they are serving—tell them about Christ. It is a privilege for me to serve in an organization with such a long history like FCA. I like being a part of a movement that has changed so many lives. FCA Wrestling helps reach the closed community of coaches and athletes with God’s Word.”

About Ivan

Came on staff with FCA Wrestling in 2017; the first staff member to represent the sport of wrestling internationally
In 2013, Ivan and his wife started the Unity Wrestling Club, which continues to serve many male and female athletes in the area
Hometown in Melitopol, Ukraine; lives in Odessa, Ukraine with wife Julia and two children—daughter Amina and son Misha
Organizes and leads yearly international mission trips that U.S. wrestlers and coaches take to Ukraine

Interested in joining the U.S. FCA Wrestling team on their next trip to Ukraine?